
Ice cream

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Bring a touch of elegance and serenity to any occasion with our beautiful bouquet of white avalanche roses, lavender and white eustoma, fragrant eucalyptus, blue oxypethalum and statice. Hand-crafted by our expert florists, this bouquet features a delicate combination of white and lavender hues that create a soothing and harmonious atmosphere. The white avalanche roses symbolize purity and innocence, while the lavender eustoma represent grace and charm. The fragrant eucalyptus, white eustoma and blue oxypethalum add a touch of texture and dimension to this beautiful bouquet. Perfect for expressing love and appreciation, it's sure to make a lasting impression. The image represents superior size.

Clean your vase to prevent bacteria.

Fill 2/3 of vase with water.

Remove any leaves under water to prevent bacteria.

Cut 2-3cm off each stem every few days.

Change water when it becomes discoloured and top it up when needed.

Keep flowers away from draughts, direct sunlight and ripening fruit.

Remove wilting flowers to prevent from mould (Botrytis).