Where do all Floom's flowers come from?
Every bouquet you receive from Floom arrives directly from our partner florists. These florists represent the absolute best that the UK has to offer. They hand-select only the freshest and finest seasonal flowers before personally crafting them into individual bouquets for you.
How do Floom choose which bouquets are shown to me?
Once you've entered the postcode of the address you want us to deliver to, Floom pulls together all the available bouquets from florists who deliver to that area. These selections will change on a regular basis, and as we unearth more and more great florists who meet our high standards, the selections will continue to grow and grow! We pride ourselves on the individuality of the bouquets we offer.
How much does delivery cost?
Regular delivery costs £6.99, which will arrive next day at the earliest. We also offer a same-day service for £9.99.
When do Floom deliver?
Due to the fact that all Floom bouquets come from different florists with different opening hours, we currently have florists who offer deliver everyday of the week, but this will differ by area. Get in contact with us if you don't see your desired delivery date and we will do our best to meet your needs.
What time does Floom deliver?
For all orders made before the delivery date: We request that all our florists deliver within a window of 10am and 6pm local time. However, due to the fact that all Floom bouquets come from different florists with different opening hours and ways of delivery, we cannot guarantee and exact time. For Same day orders made before 1pm: We request that all our florists deliver within a window of 12pm and 6pm local time. For same-day orders made after 1pm: If the florist you selected is offering a later same-day delivery option, you will be notified of the cut off time for that delivery when you select the same day option. For all orders that deliver on a peak day (Feb 14 or Mother’s Day weekend): Orders made for delivery on peak days are not guaranteed in the normal delivery window. Whilst we cannot promise that florists deliver on-time during these extremely busy periods, we assure you that they will do their best to attempt an on-time delivery.
Can I order flowers for a date in the future?
Yes, you can order up to four weeks in advance. The reason we don't allow for ordering any further in advance is because we only work with florists that use the finest and freshest flowers. It allows us to ensure that every bouquet is as fine and fresh as you're expecting it to be.
Can I order same day delivery?
Some of our florists offer same day delivery, if this is the case the product with show an "Available Today!" tag on it. The cut off for this is at 1pm.
Why can't I pick delivery time slots?
This is a feature we hope to introduce in the near future, but at our current size, it is not viable. However, if you leave a delivery note in our "delivery instructions" section during check-out, then our florists will do their absolute best to accommodate, though this is not guaranteed especially over peak periods.
What happens if no one is home?
If the intended recipient isn't there to receive their bouquet, then we will do our best to ensure they are left with neighbours or in a safe place. You can leave any specific instructions for this during the checkout process, along with a contact number for the recipient.
How will my purchase be packaged?
All our Floom florists are unique in what they do, and this extends to their packaging. However we only work with florists who offer not only great arrangements but also packaging that we would be proud to put our name to. Bouquets are always arranged, and either in a vase, packed with water or an oasis in order to keep the flowers fresh. As standard, a special Floom message card will be added to all deliveries.
Can I include a personalised message with my order?
Of course! Before the final checkout you'll be prompted to enter your personal message. This will be written by hand on a luxurious, Floom-branded card, and then safely stored in a lovely envelope. We only include what you enter in your message, so if you wish to send anonymously then simply leave your name (or any other revealing details!) out of the message.
Who do I contact with any delivery rearrangements or complaints?
All customer queries should be directed to our help centre here. Our agents will contact the respective florist, and reach out to you with a response as quickly as we can.
Do I need to have an account to be able to order?
No, but we strongly recommend it! It means you don't have to enter your details every time you order, and it helps us to ensure that you only receive the most relevant communications from us. We also occasionally run promotions that involve crediting your account with discounts and other treats. If you would prefer however, you can checkout as a guest.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept payment with all of the following providers:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Apple Pay / Google Pay
How do I remove my payment details from your system?
Send an email to support@floom.com and the Floom team will be happy to process this request for you.
How do I know if my order has been successful?
Once your order has been completed you will see an order confirmation page with all of your order details and a unique order confirmation number. All the information will also be sent directly to the email address associated with your account.
How do I know if my order has been delivered?
Once the bouquet is delivered you'll get an email notifying you. The associated courier will received your personalised instructions in the case that no one is home.
How can I make sure my order stays looking as beautiful as possible, for as long as possible?
On every product page next to the delivery information, there is a tab with care instructions for looking after your bouquet.