
Pink Roses Bouquet

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Pink Roses Bouquet Luxury Flowers Delivery in London Elevate your floral experience with the timeless beauty of Bosii’s Flowers Pink Roses Bouquet. Immerse yourself in the delicate charm of pink roses, symbolizing grace, elegance, and admiration. Experience the convenience of Next Day Delivery flowers in London. Small size: 25 pink roses Medium size: 50 pink roses Large size: 100 pink roses Indulge in the abundance of these enchanting blooms, carefully selected for their captivating hues and velvety petals. Let the softness of pink roses create an atmosphere of romance and affection. At Bosii’s Flowers, we are dedicated to delivering luxury floral arrangements that evoke emotions and create lasting memories. Trust us to provide the perfect bouquet for any occasion, crafted with passion and precision.

Clean your vase to prevent bacteria.

Fill 2/3 of vase with water.

Remove any leaves under water to prevent bacteria.

Cut 2-3cm off each stem every few days.

Change water when it becomes discoloured and top it up when needed.

Keep flowers away from draughts, direct sunlight and ripening fruit.

Remove wilting flowers to prevent from mould (Botrytis).