Herbal Help: Edible Flowers One

Herbal Help: Edible Flowers One


Wellbeing | Herbal Help: Edible Flowers One

As we all know, flowers are incredibly special. There’s something fascinating about flowers as they can capture our senses from an olfactory, visual, tactile, and also gustatory perspective. Some may argue that blooms communicate to us audibly too, but we can save that piece for another time.

Adding petals to your meal will add colour, excitement, uniqueness, and a few health benefits too.

The basics about edible flowers:

- Avoid flowers picked off the side of the road, as they will be drenched in car exhaust.

- Do not eat flowers grown with pesticides.

- Only use petals, remove stamens and pistils

- Not all flowers are edible

- Not all the flowers in the same family of an edible flower are edible. There are many varieties of the same flower.

- If you have plant or pollen allergies, you should avoid eating flowers.

- Do not pick flowers that have not fully bloomed, or have begun to wilt.


Below is a list of some edible blooms:

Allium flowers
All flowers of the allium family (garlic, leeks, and chives) are flavourful and edible.

Perhaps the most popular edible flower. Brightly coloured, and sweet floral flavours.

A tangy and peppery flower, adding a pop of vibrancy and colour to any dish.

Rose petals have a strong perfume-like flavour. The darker the colour, the more pronounced the flavour.

Fennel flowers
Fennel flowers are tiny and bright yellow, with a subtle licorice flavour.

Sweet and perfumed, lavender is a great addition for both savoury and sweet dishes.

These small, delicate flowers are sweet.

A tart floral flavour, often used in tea.

Ensure that the petals are separated from their white base to avoid a strong bitter flavour.

Zuchinni blossoms
Golden and orange flowers, these are the blossoms that will eventually grow into a zuchinni.

As we know the seeds can be eaten, but so can their petals, and their buds steamed like an artichoke.

Read our interview with chef Nicholas Balfe on cooking with flowers.

Kimberly Kushner BHSc (Nutritional Medicine), BHSc (Naturopathy) is a clinical nutritionist and naturopath who aims to provide you with the finest holistic health care. Her approach in assisting you to optimal health is practical, compassionate, empathic, and scientific. Kimberly treats acute and chronic health conditions and her main areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: reproductive health (women’s and men’s), digestive complaints, food allergies, healthy weight management, detoxification, and more.


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