Herbal Help: Settling Tea

Herbal Help: Settling Tea


Wellbeing | Herbal Help: Settling Tea

We kick off our regular series, looking into the medicinal power of herbs, with an antidote to one of modern life’s most irksome maladies…

We’ve all been there. Over-indulgence seems to be a common symptom of big city life. Long days, longer nights and endless food and drink options all contribute to a less than healthy outlook, and while ‘bottomless brunch’ may have seemed like a good idea Sunday morning, by the evening you not only have classic pre-working week fear but also a fair bit of indigestion. But before heading to your medicine cabinet, you might be far better off raiding the pantry and picking your pot plants.

Creating your own digestive settler in the form of a tea can be effective, fun, and resourceful.

You will need:

• A bunch of peppermint leaves, roughly chopped (lessen if you suffer from acid reflux), or a tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves

• A thumb of ginger, smashed

• 1 tsp fennel seeds

• A small bark of cinnamon, or 1/4 tsp of cinnamon powder

Boil approximately 500ml of water on the stove, add ginger, fennel seeds, and turn heat down, leave for 5 minutes. Add cinnamon bark and peppermint leaves. Turn stove off and leave for 10 minutes before pouring through a strainer.



Ginger is widely known for its anti-emetic property, meaning, it can help settle the stomach if you’re feeling nauseous. It’s also an aromatic digestive, and warming herb, aiding with circulation throughout the body.



Minty flavours are always refreshing and they’re great for cleansing the palate after a meal. Peppermint as a herb elicits its action as a carminative, which means it is effective at reducing gastrointestinal bloating and gas. Just be wary if you suffer from reflux - too much mint can worsen those less than pleasant symptoms.



Cinnamon is a beautiful aromatic herb which won’t just add flavour to your tea. It possesses warming, anti inflammatory, and digestive properties. A great herb to incorporate into an after dinner infusion.


Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds contain volatile oils which act as an anti-spasmodic and carminative. This means that the seeds can help reduce pain and discomfort in the digestive tract caused by gas and bloating. The seeds are also a digestive stimulant and can help stimulate the release of bile and enzymes, helping to prevent bloating and discomfort in the first place.

Kimberly Kushner BHSc (Nutritional Medicine), BHSc (Naturopathy) is a clinical nutritionist and naturopath who aims to provide you with the finest holistic health care. Her approach in assisting you to optimal health is practical, compassionate, empathic, and scientific. Kimberly treats acute and chronic health conditions and her main areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: reproductive health (women’s and men’s), digestive complaints, food allergies, healthy weight management, detoxification, and more.



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