
Snowflake Whispers

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Snowflake Whispers bouquet, a vision of pure elegance in pristine white. Delicate roses, lisianthus, hydrangea, limonium, and greenbelt, with hints of eucalyptus, create a harmonious blend.

Clean your vase to prevent bacteria.

Fill 2/3 of vase with water.

Remove any leaves under water to prevent bacteria.

Cut 2-3cm off each stem every few days.

Change water when it becomes discoloured and top it up when needed.

Keep flowers away from draughts, direct sunlight and ripening fruit.

Remove wilting flowers to prevent from mould (Botrytis).

PM Flowers

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PM Flowers

In 1966, Prewett Miller opened a flower shop on Connaught Street that has since become a staple in the community. Over the years, their floral arrangements have been a part of countless celebrations, from romantic Valentine's Day gestures to milestone birthdays and the start of new relationships. Today, the business...

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