
24 Red Roses

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The 24 Red Roses Bouquet is a timeless and romantic arrangement, featuring vibrant red roses symbolizing deep love and admiration. The roses are meticulously arranged to form a lush, full bouquet, each blooms velvety and rich in color. Delicately nestled among the roses are sprigs of wax flowers, adding a soft, charming touch with their small, star-like white or pink blooms, offering a delightful contrast to the bold roses. Accompanying the roses and wax flowers are eucalyptus leaves, their silvery-green tones and gentle fragrance adding an elegant, natural touch. The eucalyptus provides texture and movement to the bouquet, while its subtle, fresh scent enhances the overall sensory experience. Together, the vibrant red roses, delicate wax flowers, and graceful eucalyptus create a luxurious and heartfelt bouquet, perfect for expressing deep emotions with sophistication.

Clean your vase to prevent bacteria.

Fill 2/3 of vase with water.

Remove any leaves under water to prevent bacteria.

Cut 2-3cm off each stem every few days.

Change water when it becomes discoloured and top it up when needed.

Keep flowers away from draughts, direct sunlight and ripening fruit.

Remove wilting flowers to prevent from mould (Botrytis).