Bread and Roses

Bread and Roses

Floom Meets

Floom Meets | Bread and Roses

At Floom we are lucky enough to be surrounded by a team of strong women: progressively minded in a whole host of creative, social and business-centric ways. Our work and careers to date mean we frequently rub shoulders with a lot of inspiring people across the creative industries - many of whom are also other women in positions of influence. However we are under no illusion that in the wider world, the majority of organisations frequently fail to appreciate and adequately compensate the amazing work that women are capable of. The fact that in 2016, it is still remotely necessary to say things like ‘the amazing work that women are capable of’ is proof of just how far there is to go still!

That’s why we’re pleased to be able to celebrate International Women’s Day this Tuesday, which not only recognises the vast social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women - it also highlights how much still needs to be done before we achieve true gender parity. If you head to their website you’ll see a whole host of ways you can pledge to make a real difference.

With high-profile campaigns such as the Emma Watson-fronted #heforshe gaining traction and outspoken commentary from the likes of two true Floom-Beloveds, Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer there does seem to be the seedling of a cultural shift about to take root, however in real terms there is so, so much to do.

‘Bread and Roses’ is taken from a speech by renowned US activist Rose Schneiderlin, delivered in 1911 to striking workers: ‘the worker must have bread, but she must have roses too.’ Aside from the obvious floral-centric allusions, it resonates because it captures the dual aspects of the struggle women are still experiencing today, over one hundred years later. Equal pay and rights; dignity and respect.

We truly hope and believe that both are within sight, that one day women will achieve both. And who knows, maybe one day our founder Lana will be asked questions about running a progressive tech-focused business in her interviews, as well as just the endless questions about what her favourite flower is!