
Dumfries's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

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Dumfries's Finest Independent Florists

Dumfries is a medium sized town located in southern Scotland, close to the border with England.

Devorgilla Bridge is a 15th century pedestrian bridge in the centre of town has spectacular, scenic views across the River Nith, which flows through Dumfries. Traditionally, this is the best vantage spot in town to watch migrating salmon jump through the air as they make their way through the area.

Caerlaverock Castle is one of Scotland’s finest medieval structures and it is located close to the town of Dumfries. Built in the 13th century, it is renowned among castles for its unique triangular shape, twin-towered gatehouse and a moat.

Throughout this historic border town, from Summerhill to Noblehill to Nithside, Floom’s Dumfries flower delivery reaches across the community.