
Stoke Newington's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

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Stoke Newington's Finest Independent Florists

We couldn’t talk authoritatively about Stoke Newington without calling it by its preferred name, Stokie. This village in Hackney is impossible not to love. It’s lively, diverse and charming and has (thankfully) somehow resisted the gentrification that many of its neighbours have undergone. Stoke Newington is home to dozens of independent and small businesses and residents always seem to buy and sell locally. With Floom, you can buy locally without even having to leave your bed. We also deliver groceries to Stoke Newington, and surrounding Hackney areas including Lower Clapton and South Hackney.

Name the occasion, and we’ll almost certainly have a flower bouquet, arrangement or plant that’s perfect for it. Baby shower? We have a gorgeous arrangement of pink Peonies and Daisies that will delight any expecting mum.

No matter what you order, we always spend time doing everything by hand. For bouquets, we hand-tie the stems together. For arrangements, everything is hand-packaged. We never miss an opportunity to customise your order with small, thoughtful details.

Surrounding areas include Canonbury and Highbury.