
Flower delivery from the finest florists in Maida Vale.

20,000+ reviews

Maida Vale's Finest Independent Florists

The florists we work with in Maida Vale have been serving the finest hand-tied bouquets to homes and businesses in the W9 area for years. They know every street, road and avenue in Maida Vale, which is how your Floom bouquet can be hand-tied and delivered in matter of hours.

These florists are the best in the area, and because they’re so close to the address you’re sending flowers to, you can rest assured that your bouquets will arrive on time and in exceptional condition.

Our independent florists also take their own photographs of the flowers — when you order from Floom, what you see is what you get. By working with local florists, we can ensure that your flowers arrive with no transit damage, or tired or broken blooms. Just hand-tied perfection from Maida Vale’s finest florists.

Maida Vale is one of the many areas where we offer premium flower delivery in London. Same day flower delivery is also available in Kilburn, St John's Wood and Paddington.

Hear what our happy customers have to say