
Luton Flowers Delivered

20,000+ reviews

Same-Day Luton Flower Delivery

Our flower delivery in Luton provides you with a whole host of sensational flowers online, and when you choose our same day delivery or next day delivery option we'll take care of everything. Floom's brilliant partnering Luton florists curate and create wondrous bouquets for birthdays, anniversaries and everything in between.

Same day flower delivery is available before 1pm and next day flower delivery is available before 11:59pm in Luton.

Best Selling flowers


£72 - £120


By Maples Flowers

Dozen Red RosesDozen Red Roses


Dozen Red Roses

By Love and Blooms

Beauty BouquetBeauty Bouquet


Beauty Bouquet

By Cora Louise


£66 - £114


By Maples Flowers

Avalanche of loveAvalanche of love

£55 - £165

Avalanche of love

By Love and Blooms

Chic Flower HatboxChic Flower Hatbox


Chic Flower Hatbox

By Cora Louise


£60 - £108


By Maples Flowers

White Rose BouquetWhite Rose Bouquet


White Rose Bouquet

By Love and Blooms

The Bright oneThe Bright one

£50 - £95

The Bright one

By Cora Louise


£66 - £114


By Maples Flowers

Handwritten Gift Message

Free with bouquets

Handwritten Gift Message

Send a gift with a personal touch. All of our bouquets come with the option of a complimentary personalised message, sealed safe in an envelope. Perfect for those secret Valentine's Day love notes.

Luton's Finest Independent Florists

A large town located 30 miles north of London, and 20 south of Milton Keynes, Luton is home to London Luton Airport - one of Britain's major airports since its opening in 1938. The town is home to League One football team Luton Town Football Club, who are one of the country's most historic clubs. The town was also famous for many years for its hat-making, and also hosting a large Vauxhall Motors factory. Luton Carnival is also the largest one-day carnival in Europe. We have no idea about the second largest...

Our flower delivery in Luton provides you with a whole host of sensational flowers online, and when you choose our same day delivery or next day delivery option we'll take care of everything. Floom's brilliant partnering Luton florists curate and create wondrous bouquets for birthdays, anniversaries and everything in between.

Floom's flower delivery Luton is magnificent, so rest easy knowing that when you order with Floom, you are choosing perfect the flower delivery in Luton.

Want free delivery? Simply sign up to the Floom newsletter and you'll receive an email containing a code for free delivery!

Bedfordshire Botaniques

Bedfordshire Florist

Bedfordshire Botaniques

Award-winning florist growing a variety of plants on our 5-acre nursery and specialise in peonies and alstroemeria.

View Florist
The Flower Boutique

Bedfordshire Florist

The Flower Boutique

A local artisan florist, bringing you beautiful blooms for all occasions! We specialise in luxury, rustic arrangements using only the best flowers from around the World.

View florist