
Battersea's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

20,000+ reviews

Battersea's Finest Independent Florists

Think of Battersea and the famous Battersea Dogs & Cats home no doubt comes to mind (at least it does for us). However, whilst New Covent Garden and London's busiest heliport are also there, so are some of Floom's local network of florists.

Make someone's day with beautiful, fresh flowers from Floom. As your online floristry destination, we make choosing the perfect bouquet easy. Whether it's wooing that special someone, or simply showing your mother you care, our partnering florists have the perfect flowers for every occasion.

Our flowers delivery service in Battersea gives you a huge selection of flowers online, and when you choose our same day delivery service (for orders placed before 1pm) or next day delivery service we'll take care of everything. Our skilled florists in Battersea will create stunning bouquets for any occasion.

Floom's flower delivery Battersea is excellent, and we will provide the perfect flower delivery in Battersea today.

Surrounding areas include Clapham and Vauxhall.

Best Selling flowers

Eden BouquetEden Bouquet

£64 - £99

Eden Bouquet

By Botanique Workshop

A night inA night in


A night in

By Windmill Flowers




By Orchidya




By Camiko Flowers

Red Rose & GypsophilaRed Rose & Gypsophila


Red Rose & Gypsophila

By Flower Station

Dozen red Long stemDozen red Long stem


Dozen red Long stem

By Bernard Rochet Flowers

Beautiful HeartBeautiful Heart


Beautiful Heart

By Floritta Ltd

Pastel petalsPastel petals


Pastel petals

By Into The Meadow

Autumn WildAutumn Wild

£70 - £110

Autumn Wild

By Dawson Flowers

Cherry MintCherry Mint


Cherry Mint

By Bloomond

Delivery Today

Dream LoverDream Lover


Dream Lover

By Windmill Flowers

Spring Spring

£60 - £100


By Dawson Flowers

Timeless PetalsTimeless Petals


Timeless Petals

By Bernard Rochet Flowers

Basket -Roses, FruitsBasket -Roses, Fruits


Basket -Roses, Fruits

By Floritta Ltd

Love struckLove struck

£45 - £80

Love struck

By Clapham Flowers

Colourful & BrightColourful & Bright


Colourful & Bright

By Flower Station

White RosesWhite Roses

£150 - £600

White Roses

By Floetica

Umber Sand DriedUmber Sand Dried

£59 - £105

Umber Sand Dried

By Botanique Workshop




By Saints Flowers

Full BodiedFull Bodied

£55 - £100

Full Bodied

By Stem and Stem

Candy CaneCandy Cane

£75 - £145

Candy Cane

By Bloomond

Wild OrchidsWild Orchids


Wild Orchids

By Camiko Flowers

Miss PiggyMiss Piggy

£140 - £250

Miss Piggy

By Into The Meadow

Simply Red PetiteSimply Red Petite


Simply Red Petite

By PM Flowers

Tickle Me PinkTickle Me Pink


Tickle Me Pink

By Orchidya

Soft PastelsSoft Pastels


Soft Pastels

By Bloomsbury Flowers




By Essence




By Windmill Flowers

Citrus Burst Citrus Burst

£60 - £100

Citrus Burst

By Dawson Flowers

Autumn CarnivalAutumn Carnival


Autumn Carnival

By Bernard Rochet Flowers

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Battersea Flower Delivery

Floom makes it fast, simple and painless to send a stunning, seasonal flower bouquet or plant from an independent florist for flower delivery in Battersea.

Our carefully selected Battersea florists are hand-picked to give you with a choice of unique flower bouquets and plants, with easy same or next day delivery options available for surprising a loved one.

Just enter your delivery postcode at the top to send the perfect flowers to someone in London.

Why send flowers with Floom?

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.