
Finest Waterbury florists. Waterbury flower delivery.

20,000+ reviews

Send Flowers in Waterbury

Whatever the occasion, now you can show someone your love and appreciation with a uniquely curated bouquet of beautiful flowers, delivered directly to their door from a local independent florist in Waterbury. We also provide same-day flower delivery when your order before 1pm and next-day delivery when your order before 12pm in Waterbury.

Order your Waterbury flowers online with Floom, and the local independent florist fulfilling your order will ensure they are hand-delivered to your chosen recipient. We also provide the option for a handwritten message (our florists all have nice handwriting, we promise!) with the delivery of your bouquet in our delivery cards.

Best Selling flowers

Season's BestSeason's Best


Season's Best

By Botanique

Blue For YouBlue For You


Blue For You

By Botanique




By Botanique

The OliviaThe Olivia


The Olivia

By Botanique

Sweet For YouSweet For You


Sweet For You

By Botanique

Classic White RosesClassic White Roses


Classic White Roses

By Botanique

Queen Of HeartsQueen Of Hearts

$150 - $200

Queen Of Hearts

By Botanique

Foraged BotanicalsForaged Botanicals


Foraged Botanicals

By Botanique

Cloud Nine DeluxeCloud Nine Deluxe


Cloud Nine Deluxe

By Botanique

Secret AdmirerSecret Admirer


Secret Admirer

By Botanique

Delivery Today

The AuroraThe Aurora


The Aurora

By Botanique

Secret Garden LargeSecret Garden Large


Secret Garden Large

By Botanique

Sage BloomsSage Blooms


Sage Blooms

By Botanique

Sweet For YouSweet For You


Sweet For You

By Botanique

Breath EasyBreath Easy


Breath Easy

By Botanique

Bloomin' LoveBloomin' Love

$150 - $200

Bloomin' Love

By Botanique

Classic White RosesClassic White Roses


Classic White Roses

By Botanique

Mini Mason BouquetMini Mason Bouquet


Mini Mason Bouquet

By Botanique

Secret AdmirerSecret Admirer


Secret Admirer

By Botanique

Cloud Nine DeluxeCloud Nine Deluxe


Cloud Nine Deluxe

By Botanique

Welcome Door WreathWelcome Door Wreath


Welcome Door Wreath

By Botanique

The ClaireThe Claire


The Claire

By Botanique

Blue For YouBlue For You


Blue For You

By Botanique




By Botanique

The OliviaThe Olivia


The Olivia

By Botanique

Seasonal Bloom BoxSeasonal Bloom Box


Seasonal Bloom Box

By Botanique

Season's BestSeason's Best


Season's Best

By Botanique

Foraged BotanicalsForaged Botanicals


Foraged Botanicals

By Botanique

Rainbow BloomsRainbow Blooms


Rainbow Blooms

By Botanique

Queen Of HeartsQueen Of Hearts

$150 - $200

Queen Of Hearts

By Botanique

Waterbury Flower Delivery

Nicknamed the Brass City owing to its prominent manufacturing of brassware, the city now offers residents access to the coastal cities within New Haven, whilst New York city is less than two hours away. Despite being landlocked, residents may flock to Hop Brook Lake, a lake that crosses three communities in Connecticut, Naugatuck, Middlebury, and Waterbury, which offers a suitable swimming location under the scenic backdrop of the Whitmore Glenn State reserve.

Floom removes the hassle of sending a beautiful, seasonal flower arrangement or plant from an independent florist for flower delivery in Waterbury.

Just enter your delivery zip code at the top to send the perfect flowers to someone in Waterbury today.

Same-day flower delivery is available before 1pm PDT and next-day delivery before 11:59pm PDT in Waterbury, USA.

Order your Waterbury flowers online with Floom, and the local independent florist fulfilling your order will ensure they are hand-delivered to your chosen recipient. We also provide the option for a handwritten message (our florists all have nice handwriting, we promise!) with the delivery of your bouquet in our delivery cards.

Why send flowers with Floom?

What you see is what you get

What you see is what you get

Love the bouquet on your screen? Thatā€™s exactly what our local florist will prepare freshly for your orderā€¦ or your money back!

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and weā€™re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written cardā€¦ on the exact day that you need it.