
Orlando's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

20,000+ reviews

Order Flowers for Delivery in Orlando, FL

Floom removes the hassle of sending a beautiful, seasonal flower arrangement or plant from an independent florist for flower delivery in Orlando, Florida. Order your Orlando flowers online with Floom, and the local independent florist fulfilling your order will ensure they are hand delivered to your chosen recipient.

Best Selling flowers




By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses OrangeSpray Roses Orange


Spray Roses Orange

By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses RedSpray Roses Red


Spray Roses Red

By Bloom & Go

Spray Roses YellowSpray Roses Yellow


Spray Roses Yellow

By Bloom & Go

Romeo & JulietRomeo & Juliet


Romeo & Juliet

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Secret GardenSecret Garden


Secret Garden

By Bloom & Go

I Love YouI Love You


I Love You

By Bloom & Go




By Bloom & Go

Old MoneyOld Money


Old Money

By Bloom & Go

Why send flowers with Floom?

What you see is what you get

What you see is what you get

Love the bouquet on your screen? That’s exactly what our local florist will prepare freshly for your order… or your money back!

Always unique, never generic

Always unique, never generic

We only work with the most talented and unique artisans, and we’re passionate about supporting our skilled family of florists.

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Hand-delivered with care and attention

Each of our orders is professionally arranged, wrapped and safely delivered with a hand-written card… on the exact day that you need it.

Orlando Flower Delivery

If you require something custom, such as a floral gift basket, or a particular stem not currently in a bouquet - get in contact with the team, and we'll find a florist who can make it work. In Orlando, flowers are our number one priority! So get in touch at, and let us help source and deliver the perfect flower bouquet for you today. Just enter your delivery zip code at the top to send the perfect flowers to someone in Florida today.

Flower delivery to Miami, delivering same day from the finest florists

Home to more than a dozen theme parks, most famously Walt Disney World, comprised of parks like the Magic Kingdom, Universal Orlando containing Universal Studios and the the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Orlando Florida is a hub for family tourism throughout the state as well as on an international scale. Orlando sits in the centre of Florida, north east of Tampa and over 200 miles north of Miami.

The blossom of the orange tree (Citrus sinensis) is one of the most fragrant flowers in Florida. Millions of these white flowers perfume the atmosphere throughout central and south Florida during orange blossom time. The orange blossom was selected as the state flower by the 1909 legislature.