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Irvine Flower Delivery

20,000+ reviews

Flowers Delivered Irvine

We have searched Irvine, California for the best local florists, and understand the importance of local businesses to those who live there. If you’re looking for a heartfelt personal gift that also supports local business and keeps independent floristry flourishing – look no further! Floom has the perfect gift idea for you!

Best Selling flowers




By Flowers by Coley

Boutique BoxBoutique Box


Boutique Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Rose’ all DayRose’ all Day


Rose’ all Day

By Flowers by Coley

La Fleur SignatureLa Fleur Signature

$190 - $250

La Fleur Signature

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Luxe Dozen RosesLuxe Dozen Roses


Luxe Dozen Roses

By Flowers by Coley

Tulips are EverythingTulips are Everything


Tulips are Everything

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Sexy RedSexy Red


Sexy Red

By Flowers by Coley

100 Red Roses Box100 Red Roses Box


100 Red Roses Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Champagne BubblesChampagne Bubbles


Champagne Bubbles

By Flowers by Coley

Three Shades of PinkThree Shades of Pink


Three Shades of Pink

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Delivery Today

La Fleur SignatureLa Fleur Signature

$190 - $250

La Fleur Signature

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Luxe Dozen RosesLuxe Dozen Roses


Luxe Dozen Roses

By Flowers by Coley

Boutique BoxBoutique Box


Boutique Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Rose’ all DayRose’ all Day


Rose’ all Day

By Flowers by Coley

Love Signature BoxLove Signature Box


Love Signature Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Monterey BayMonterey Bay


Monterey Bay

By Flowers by Coley

Tulips are EverythingTulips are Everything


Tulips are Everything

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Sexy RedSexy Red


Sexy Red

By Flowers by Coley

Three Shades of PinkThree Shades of Pink


Three Shades of Pink

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique




By Flowers by Coley

50 Red Roses Box50 Red Roses Box


50 Red Roses Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique




By Flowers by Coley

Spray Rose BoxSpray Rose Box

$170 - $250

Spray Rose Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique




By Flowers by Coley

Newport Roses BoxNewport Roses Box


Newport Roses Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Palm SpringsPalm Springs


Palm Springs

By Flowers by Coley

100 Red Roses Box100 Red Roses Box


100 Red Roses Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Champagne BubblesChampagne Bubbles


Champagne Bubbles

By Flowers by Coley

Love and Romance BoxLove and Romance Box


Love and Romance Box

By L'amour Toujours Flower Boutique

Blush BoxBlush Box


Blush Box

By Flowers by Coley

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Irvine's Finest Independent Florists

Part of Orange County, California Irvine can has lots to do, from Turtle Valley which on clear days, you can see downtown LA, Santa Ana Mountains, amazing views of the OC, and the Pacific Ocean. From Irvine you’re also less than half an hour away from Disneyland and less than 10 miles from the beach.

Popular Questions

What's the flower of Irvine?

Irvine’s local flower is the Agapanthus and are known for their large, blue drumstick-headed flowers in summer. These South African perennial plants are equally suitable for borders and large containers. Agapanthus look great when planted with drifts of ornamental grasses, sun-loving rudbeckias and goldenrod (Solidago).