
Fort Greene's finest florists and flowers. Delivered.

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Fort Greene's finest independent florists

Florist shop Fort Greene and flowers next day Fort Greene with Floom’s partnering local florists, who all create magical flower bouquets and plant arrangements. Send flowers same day to Fort Greene and surrounding Brooklyn neighbourhoods.

Floom’s florists in Fort Greene, New York, only ever use beautiful flowers and seasonal stems in their shop or studios when curating and creating your flower bouquet or plant arrangement. Send flowers from an independent florist in Fort Greene with Floom.

Located in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, Fort Green is a New York City designated Historic District. The neighbourhood is situated near Lower Manhattan and Prospect Park. It is named after an American Revolutionary War fort that was built in 1776 under the instruction of General Nathanael Greene, and contains examples of Italianate and Eastlake architecture. Fort Greene is widely agreed to be one of the finest examples of a racially diverse neighbourhood in the whole of the Big Apple, despite its recent gentrification.

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